Belton Consulting
7266 Tom Dr., Suite 200
Baton Rouge, LA, 70806
(225) 615-0212


LPSC Official Bulletin, August 19, 2011

LPSC Official Bulletin August 19, 2011

Attached you will find the most recent Official Bulletin published by the Louisiana Public Service Commission. Interesting matters to note include a proposed Commission Order recommended by the LPSC Staff which addresses procedures for the enforcement of the payment of accurate Inspection and Supervision Fees, audit procedures, a hearing process and the establishment of fines and fees for the failure of Motor Carriers and Public Utilities to properly report and pay Inspection and Supervision Fees to the Louisiana Department of Revenue.

The Bulletin also contains a detailed listing of pending Rate Applications, Requests for Authority, Letters of Non-Opposition, Citations, Adjudications, Rulemakings, Tariff Filings, Rate Authorities, Orders, and Case Schedule.

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Belton Consulting, LLC was founded by Emory A. Belton, Jr. with the goal of providing a unique resource in the energy industry. Our clients put their trust in Belton Consulting, LLC to represent their interests before legislative bodies, regulatory agencies, other state executive branch agencies and departments, and local government. Read More

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