State Bond Commission Meeting: Preliminary Notice and Agenda, October 20, 2011
State Bond Commission Preliminary Agenda 10-20-11 Meeting
Attached you will find the Preliminary Notice and Agenda for the upcoming meeting of the State Bond Commission, which will be held on Thursday, October 20, 2011 at 10am in Senate Committee Room A in the State Capitol Building. Among other things, the agenda includes resolutions and exhibits listing $113 Million in Priority 2 Capital Outlay Cash Lines of Credit, and $413 Million in Priority 5 Non-Cash Lines of Credit.
State Bond Commission, Preliminary Notice and Agenda for Meeting of August 18, 2011
State Bond Commission 08-18-11 Meeting-Preliminary Agenda
Attached is the Preliminary Notice and Agenda for the August 18, 2011 meeting of the State Bond Commission. The meeting is scheduled to be held at 10:00 a.m. in Senate Committee Room A in the State Capitol Building.
Louisiana State Bond Commission, Preliminary Notice and Agenda July 21, 2011
Attached is the Preliminary Notice and Agenda for the July 21, 2011 meeting of the State Bond Commission. The meeting will be held at 10am in Senate Committee Room A in the State Capitol.
Bond Commission 07-21-11 Agenda Preliminary
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Belton Consulting, LLC was founded by Emory A. Belton, Jr. with the goal of providing a unique resource in the energy industry. Our clients put their trust in Belton Consulting, LLC to represent their interests before legislative bodies, regulatory agencies, other state executive branch agencies and departments, and local government. Read More
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