Louisiana Public Service Commission Electric Rate Cost Comparison, October 2014
Attached you will find the most recent report from the LPSC listing current electricity rates in Louisiana of those companies that are regulated by the LPSC. The distinction for currently having the highest rates in the state goes to Cleco, while SLEMCO has the lowest rates. The remainder of the investor owned utilities and electric co-ops prices fall in between. The average cost per/kWh for residential customers is about 9 cents, which is REALLY LOW, and, in fact, is one of the lowest, if not, the lowest average rate in the country.
LPSC Copy of Residential Bill Comparisons By Month for October 2014
LPSC Residential Electric Rate Comparison for October 2012
Attached you will find the Louisiana Public Service Commission’s Residential Electric Rate Comparison for October 2012. Louisiana electric customers are enjoying the low price of natural gas which is reflected in low electric rates. By way of comparison, for a typical customer usage of 1000 Kwh/month, the highest and lowest cost providers of electricity in Louisiana are as follows: Cleco continues it’s trend of having the highest electric rates in Louisiana at $113.81 for 1000 Kwh/month. Claiborne Electric Cooperative is the lowest cost provider at $74.11 for 1000 Kwh/month. The cost basis for providing electric service is somewhat different for investor owned utilities like Cleco, versus electric cooperatives like Claiborne. A more accurate comparision of investor owned electric utilities shows Cleco at the highest as mentioned at $113.81 for 1000 Kwh/month, with Entergy Gulf States the lowest at $84.85. The electric cooperative with the highest rate is Jefferson Davis Electric Co-Op at $95.76 for 1000 Kwh/month, and the lowest, as mentioned, is Claiborne Electric Cooperative at $74.11 for 1000 Kwh/month. The attached spreadsheet gives more detailed information on each electric utility providing service in Louisiana. LPSC Copy of Residential Bill Comparisons By Month for October 2012
Louisiana Public Service Commission Jurisdictional Electric Companies Residential Rate Comparisons, March 2012
Attached is the monthly report from the staff of the Louisiana Public Service Commission comparing residential electric rates of utilities that are subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. Comparisons are based on an average usage of 1500 Kwh/month. This month’s winner for the lowest rates in the state is DEMCO at $103.95. Claiborne Electric comes in a close second at $104.41. Coming in last place for the highest rates in Louisiana is CLECO at $152.44. The average cost of residential electricty is $122.33. LPSC Copy of Residential Bill Comparisons By Month for March 2012
LPSC Residential Electricity Bill Comparisons for February 2012
Attached is the monthly report for the staff of the Louisiana Public Service Commission which shows residential electricity rates from the electrical co-ops and investor owned electric utilities in Louisiana. The winner this month for lowest residential electric rates is co-op Claiborne Electric. On an average consumption of 1500 KWH per month, Claiborne charges $121.96. Coming in last place for the highest rates on the list is Entergy New Orleans at $139.19 for 1500 KWH per month. Neck and neck with Entergy New Orleans is Jefferson Davis Co-op at $139.05.
On an average basis, residential electric customers in Louisiana pay about 8 cents a kilowatt hour, which is one of the best rates in the country.
LPSC Copy of Residential Bill Comparisons By Month for February 2012
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Belton Consulting, LLC was founded by Emory A. Belton, Jr. with the goal of providing a unique resource in the energy industry. Our clients put their trust in Belton Consulting, LLC to represent their interests before legislative bodies, regulatory agencies, other state executive branch agencies and departments, and local government. Read More
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