LPSC Securitization for Little Gypsy Repowering Project
LPSC Press Release on Little Gypsy Bond Refinancing 9-15-11
LPSC Bond Deal Saves Entergy Customers Millions in Financing Costs/Alternative Financing Structure Saves Ratepayers Millions of Dollars versus Conventional Utility Financing Methods
Attached is a press release by the LPSC which discusses the recent sale of $207 million of ratepayer backed bonds to pay for the costs associated with the Little Gypsy 3 Repowering Project. By virtue of the use of Act 988 passed by the Louisiana Legislature in 2010 to provide new financing methods for utility companies in instances like this, the LPSC has been able to save Entergy Louisiana ratepayers over $80 Million in capital costs versus what would have otherwise been incurred using traditional utility financing methods.
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Belton Consulting, LLC was founded by Emory A. Belton, Jr. with the goal of providing a unique resource in the energy industry. Our clients put their trust in Belton Consulting, LLC to represent their interests before legislative bodies, regulatory agencies, other state executive branch agencies and departments, and local government. Read More
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